Numerology Analysis

Hardik Pandya

Born on 11th October 1993

With number 2 and 7

Combination of Moon and Ketu :- The combination of Moon and Ketu makes him spiritual person.

In His Name
Hardik Pandya
15 20
Total :- 35 which is a combination of Jupiter and Mercury which makes him good reformist.

35 is for his full name:-35-An Unlucky number. It tells of heavy trouble and suspicion due to others company or assistance.

15 is for his first name:-The Number 15 is a combination of Numbers 1 and 5- Which is a combination of Sun and Mercury which makes him knowledgeable.A Lucky number.

Born on 11:-Those born under the Number 11 are sensitive and Impulsive,hard working,love nature and animals. He understands others and their problems. He expresses very clearly and convincingly.

Basic Number 2:- He loves neatness and tidiness.He has high imagination, idealism and a dreamy nature. He is kind hearted, enduring and loyal. He will serve and help people selflessly.He is a social person and perform his deeds as well wisher of humanity.

Destiny Number 7:- Ketu is present in his number. His thoughts will be excellent and practical. Therefore people will attract towards him.

Health Issues:- Excess cough,Mental weakness, Swelling in intestine and gastric problem.

Favorable Days:-Sunday, Monday and Thursday.

Favorable Years:-20,29,38,47,56,65,74,83

Most Important Years:-22,25

Weak Periods:-January and February

Strong Periods:-19th February to 20th March and 21st November to 20th December will be favorable for him.

Color:- White,Milky,Cream Color.


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