Tarot Symbols (The Sun)

Tarot Symbols The Sun The Sun shines brightly. A young child riding white horse. Naked Child-Freedom, letting our guard down and Ultimate form of expression. Able to communicate our true nature without fear. Flower-Clarity...

Tarot Symbols (The Moon)

Tarot Symbols The Moon Moon face appears to be asleep or trying to sleep. Dog- Symbol of tame mind which is loyal. Wolf-Symbol of our primal urges and bears its teeth at our very...

Tarot Symbols (The Star)

Tarot Symbols The Star A naked woman kneels at a pool of water. The woman pours water from 2 jugs , one into the pool and the other onto the land. Ibis-God Thoth. Thoth-Healer Bird-Aspiration, Higher...

Tarot Symbols (The Tower)

Tarot Symbols The Tower Background is black. It looks if an explosion has just taken with flames and out of all the windows. Falling- Loss of control, no railing, no net to support. Symbol of...

Tarot And Numerology Analysis of Yogi Adityanath

Tarot and Numerology Analysis of Yogi Adityanath Yogi Adityanath 12 + 27 =39 Total of his name:-39- A neutral number. These people are intelligent. They learn...

Tarot Symbols (The Devil)

The Devil The Devil sits, half beast, half man on perch in a black room. Fly- Very primitive when we are duped into thinking we are unworthy. Flames - No darkness only absence...

Tarot Symbols (Temperance)

Tarot Symbols Temperance It appears as a winged angel.Dress in a white gown pours from one cup to another. In front of her is a pool of water. She stands with one foot...

Tarot Symbols (The Death)

Tarot Symbols Death A skeleton dressed in a black armor rides on a white horse. He carries a black flag depict a white rose. Sun is just visible. It symbolize the death of...

Tarot Symbols (The Hanged Man)

The Hanged Man Tarot Symbols A man Hanged upside down from a tree. T-Shaped post only one leg is bound to the post while other rest tuck behind it. The cards deals with...

Tarot Symbols (Justice)

Tarot Symbols Justice A man sits on impressive throne between 2 grey pillars. Dressed in a red robe and green mantle. It reminds that you are at point in your life where you...