Symbols in Tarot
1. The Magician
Crystal-In a right hand towards and left hand to the ground. He has direct access to the divine source for inspiration. He is manifesting energy to earth.
White Gown-Purity of his motive.
Red Over Garment-Passion and Power.
Gown is Belted by Serpent-Cycle of Rebirth.
Infinity Symbol-Constant Cycle. He understands the nature of energy and know that there is a limitless supply available to him.
Leminiscate-Energy of thoughts, he draws divine power from Universe.
Table-An area of attention to others in order to discuss or evaluate them.
A fool’s knapsack (All tools). He must find the balance of each tool and use carefully.
Wands – Action, Energy and Wishes.
Cups-Beauty, Emotions, Dreams and Imagination.
Swords – Mental Clarity, Judgment and Thoughts.
Pentacles – Patience, Determination and Finances.