Word Power

The verbal power of mantras, chants and psalms embedded in religion has roots in the field of linguistics. For instance, there is a theory in the philosophy of language called the ‘Speech Act Theory’. This theory was introduced by Oxford philosopher J L Austin in his book, How To Do Things With Words. The theory stresses on the fact that utterances are performative in nature — when we say something, we do something. The process of auto suggestions to the subconscious mind is also activated through these processes.

Auto suggestions alter us and the world around us creating new positive environments. Positive auto suggestions are fruitful not only for the individual but also for the planet and create a positively renewed mind, thereby enabling people to take well-balanced decisions, subconsciously taking into consideration the impact of their decision on their family, society and the environment.

The spiritual belief that the universe is continuously repeating ‘tathastu’, a Sanskrit phrase which means so be it, should also alert us about what we say. People who believe in this spiritual belief consciously make efforts to cleanse their thoughts, as thoughts are the seeds of speech. Moreover, elders always insist on saying good things, always. That’s the voice of experience talking! Considering the scale of sin in society, leading a virtuous life of faith can be a challenge. However, we are all born to lead a content and happy life. This goal can be achieved, if we are equipped with the knowledge of positive, verbal affirmations based on the foundation of a healthy thought process.


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