Poem on Queen of Cups

Poem on Queen of Cups My Emotions are my secrets. Because My name is Queen of Cups. I am sensitive to the feelings of others. And see the beauty in people when it is no...

Poem On Queen of Swords

Poem on Queen of Swords I am Mature Air Feminine, I am honest to my principles and standards. My ability is to judge every situation with compassion, When my sword is into Right direction. I have...

Poem on Queen of Pentacles

Poem on Queen of Pentacles A beautiful Pentacle, With invisible Tentacles. She appreciates art, good food, and good wine, Because her environment is perfectly fine. She wears sophisticated clothes, She who holds greatness of soul. She is the...

Poem on King of Pentacles

Poem on King Of Pentacles A Prosperous life is fine, As I have a successful business that always shines. Financial,Stability,Rewards, Prestige Empire are the biggest assets which I have gained, Has been framed. I have realized...

Poem on Knight of Pentacles

Poem on Knight of Pentacles A combination of Earth and Fire, He patiently fulfill his desires. Responsibility is his middle name, His target is to get the fame. He chooses his battle carefully, He doesn't seek battle...

Poem on King of Wands

Poem on King of Wands A Dynamic Energy on Fire, Where he rules his Kingdom like a higher. He is future oriented and has big plans, Which will be followed by his own clans. He is...

Monthly Tarot Predictions

Aries- There is an opportunity to move on, do not hesitate to go forward – there are many blessings – this is a moment for joy and gratitude. Progress lies ahead –...

Poem on King of Swords

Poem on King Of Swords The King of Swords is the Shining one, Good power, honesty and Intellectual like none. His feelings are strong, Altough ideas are for long. He is the master of Mental Discipline, Who...
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Numerology Analysis

Numerology Analysis Of Bhojpuri Star And Politican Manoj Tiwari

Numerology Analysis ‪#‎ManojTiwari‬ Born on 1st February 1971 With number 1 and 3 Combination of Sun and Jupiter :- The combination of Sun and Jupiter is good. The...

Numerology Of Celebrities

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