
Narendra Modi Numerology Prediction
Born on 17.9.1950
With number 8 and 5
Combination of Saturn and Mercury. The combination of Saturn and Mercury makes him strong and fair.
In His Name
Narendra Modi
 25            16
Total:- 41 which is a combination of Rahu and Sun & these are powerful for him.
41 is for his full name :- 41:- If he implements his ideas he will succeed.
16 is for your first name:An unlucky number.
Born on 17:- He is an ambitious, independent and talented person with a charming personality and a charisma of attracting others. He respects and care for others feelings because of his generous nature. He will work together with the spirit of cooperation.
Basic Number 8:-:- This number is governed by the planet Saturn which stands for Practical and honest nature. He is self confident and determined. Once he decide anything he will not leave any stone unturned to accomplish it. He is very hard working and give importance to his work. Work is a worship for him. He will never run away from challenges and once he accepts those, he will make impossible possible.
Destiny Number 5 :- He is very logical, practical and organized. His life will be a constant succession of changes, mostly for the betterment. Throughout life, documents will have great importance for him – much depends upon new agreements, contracts.
Mahadasha in Numerology of Jupiter ensures gains and achievement for his own welfare as well as for his country.
Ank Kundali Results- Good Speaker, Independent worker and Good relations with mother and Sisters.
Health Problems:- Blood disorder, respiratory, depression and hearing problems etc. According to numerology, he should take extra care of his health during January, February, July, September and December.
Strong Periods:The Period between 20th September to 20th January and 20th February will be favorable for him and beneficial for him.
Favorable Days:-Saturday
Friendly Number-4.6
Colors:- Black, Dark Blue, Cloudy Color
Inauspicious color Dark yellow and Golden.
2017 Predictions for Him:- It is a year of success and practically providing him with new changes including enhance respect in the society. He should take care while signing documents related to some negotiations. He may begin some partnership which will not be harmful for country.


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