Pulkit Samrat Numerology Prediction
Born on 29.12.1983
With number 2 and 8
In His Name
Pulkit Samrat
24 15
39 is for his full name :- 39:- This is a neutral number so this number can’t be called auspicious or inauspicious.
24 is for his first name:A very lucky number. It enhances happiness,success and honor.
Born on 29:- He is wise,intelligent,social and cooperative.He has a word of affection for his family and relatives and render help to the possible extent.He takes active interest in others problems and difficulties and render utmost help.
Basic Number 2;- Moon will make him gentle and loving,delicate and peace loving. He believes in axiom of ‘live and let live’.
Destiny Number 8:- He will give his best in unfavorable achieve his goals. He will never get away from difficulties,obstacles and hardships and keep moving ahead by overcoming them.
Health Problems:- Cough problems,weakness, Indigestion, blood disorder.
Strong Periods:The Period between 19th February to 20th March and 21st November to 20th December will be favorable for him and beneficial for him.
Favorable Days:- Sunday,Monday and Thursday.
Friendly Number- 1,2,4&7
Favorable years:- 20,29,38,47,56,65,74,83
Colors:- White, Milky and creamy color