The Hierophant
He is dressed like religious robes of Red and White with 3 crosses. Shoes also have a cross on each toe. He is a spiritual leader.
Triple Crown-Trinity, Father and Son and Holy spirit, mind and body.
Before him 2 kneel 2 discipline or monks one robe has red rose-Desire to learn and understand and the other’s gown with white lillies-Purity and innocence of mind.
He channels energy from the heavens through him down through the staff and then into disciples. It also believes that to contact God through Hierophant.
White Undergarment of Hierophant – His pure belief.
Red Outer Robe-Passion
Silver Key-Inner World (Subconscious)
Golden Key-Outer World (Conscious)
They need to access their inner world while great wisdom is available in order to form their opinion.
Finger-Held up a sign of blessings from a higher source.
Blue Colour-Intuitive Speaking, Healing with words.