Numerology Analysis and Tarot Predictions of Famous Celebrity’s son Aryan Khan;

Aryan Khan is born on 13/11/1997 with basic no 4 and destiny no 5.

As his name is a combination of 23 number. Like Aryan (10) + Khan (13) = 23.


23 is a good number
10 is also a good number
However, 13 is not a good number.

Do you know that No. 4 and No. 8 people should stay away from liquor, drugs, smoking and any kind of illegal activity as Saturn and Uranus inflict heavy punishment to those? Yes and this is actually happening with Aryan Khan as he is paying for this.

Current Dasha of Saturn going on Aryan Khna with Zodiac Number 9 and his current age is 24 years.

Numerology observation

* Basic number 13/4
* Destiny Number 32/5
* Name number 23/5
* First name number 10/1
* Zodiac Number 9
* Current age 24/6

As per the above numerology analysis, his zodiac number 9 that has a good combination with current age (6), first name number (1), and destiny number (5), but his zodiac number does not match with his basic number (4).

Current Dasha of Saturn (8) is going from 2019 to 2027 & in this period, he will face some minor problems.

Saturn (8) is not compatible with dob (4), First name number (1), and zodiac Number (9).

Overall, he could overcome and escape this temperaory phase strongly. Undoubtedly, he is considered as a victim everywhere but he is sure to bounce back and come out of this problem soon.

Now, Let’s know Aryan Khan’s Situation through Tarot

1. Card 1 – Situation; – 3 of Cups

Considering this, Aryan Khan was enjoying the party on cruise with his friends where 3 of Cups strongly represents celebrations and attending parties.

Card 2; – What hit him?

Ace of Swords hit him hard. It shows that some sword is on him that is NCB. May be Aryan Khan’s rival informed about his party on cruise to NCB to drag him in the case and devasted his future.

Card 3- Stands for Advice :- Nine of Wands

Nine of Wands advice that Aryan Khan should stay strong and be firm in the face of his challenges. There are high chances that he will come out of this situation soon and the reason is his good support from all the celebrities and SRK’s fans who are protesting in favour of Aryan Khan’s. Even the fans and celebrities are supporting emotionally to SRK & Gauri Khan.

Card 4- Long term past:- Three of Pentacles

It questions why we went to cruise to take liquor and drugs? There are possibilities that he was excited to take such illegal products or his age can be a factor that attracted Aryan Khan in this stuff and now in this situation.

Also, there could be member in his family who used to take this stuff and as a result, he attracted to this.

Card 5- Recent Past:- Page of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles is showing that he wanted to enjoy his youth, explore at the maximum but that cost him badly. He went to cruise for the purpose of enjoying consuming that illegal stuff that could be right for his age but illegal everywhere. As a result, he caught red handed.

Card 6 Future:-Knight of Cups.

It is suggesting him to focus on his acting career than anything else. However, it may be witnessed that he will grown emotionally this period and may follow his father’s path successfully.

Card 7 Seeker:- Six of Swords

It predicts that due to SRK’s goodwill and strong fan following, he can overcome this situation soon.

Card 8 Others:- Judgement

Overall, his friends can also deal with this situation through legal cases and Aryan Khan can be relieved if he honestly corporate with NCB and it’s protocols.

Otherwise, he could be dragged in this case for long term and may not start his career in any ways.

Card 9 Suprise Position:- Hierophant

This suggests that the case could be in favour of Aryan Khan and may be more lawyers can handle his case and save him from allegations. So, there is a silver lining for him.

Card 10 Outcome:- Ten of Swords

Ten of Swords represents both the positive and a bit of negative aspect that he can strongly overcome from this situation due to the strong support and his father’s background. However, a strict warning can be given to him for securing himself in future.

This is purely analysis given by Ruma Marwah.


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